Monday, December 16, 2013

Big News

Hello all my wonderful people,
I wanted to let you that the book I've been working on tell my story about or fight with Endometriosis and cervical will be making an appearance soon.

Remember to keep your head up, stay strong, and remember you're not alone.

As a side note I'm having a big sale on my second poetry ebook for the holidays you can check it out at

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Some Health Info

Thought I'd share this health tip that I just found out about myself: if you have suddenly become overweight and have a heavy feeling it's possible you're retaining fluid somewhere in your body which medically is called "Edema" read up on it and check with your dr. if you believe this is going  on. Remedy: A prescribed diuretic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Continuation of Recovering after a hysterectomy

Theses steps will help you through a speedy recovery:
1: no baths for about three to four weeks(you don't water seeping in your incision or vagina)
2: no heavy lifting until your surgeon clears you which should be around four weeks from date of surgery
3: when showering ask doctor for plastic sealants so no water seeps through incision(only if your surgery was done with a bikini cut)
4: rest as much as possible(limit to much exertion for about a week or two
5: listen to your body
6: no bending so have someone around to assist with that
7: avoid foods that produce to much gas or can cause constipation f
8: lastly remember you're not alone in this battle

After care and Healing after a hysterectomy

I read a post today on twitter where a woman had a hysterectomy and felt no compassion for what she had just encountered.

I say how unfortunate because I had great compassion after my hysterectomy back in 2006 however, who is anyone to not show one compassion when they've just gone through a life changing event. Remember, they can no longer have children if they one day wished to, they now have to take hormone replacements and so forth. I say show compassion for one day you may walk in our shoes and you'll want compassion.

Keep your heads, spirits, faith up my fellow friends who walk this road. Know that you're not alone in this battle.
Endo is a beast but we can't let it win at whatever costs that may be.
FYI: my condition has changed meaning the Endo has began to travel but my faith, hope and perseverance will get me through it.

Let no doctor tell you that this disease isn't serious for it is. Continue your research so you'll become more educated about your desease and know that I'm here if you have any questions.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Novel Update for we Survivors

The novel that is being inspired by my nonfiction short story When a Woman Had To is expected to be on shelves within a year. Stay connected for release date and title. Also, follow me on twitter @tocute_31 and befriend me @

side note: if what a glimpse as to what the novel is based on borrow with an amazon prime account at HTTP:// you can also find it through Barnes and Nobles @ HTTP://
Thanks for your continued support.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Info and Images for and about Endo

Below is a great link to read and absorb great information regarding Endo; what type of doctor you should be caring for you, images and a more explanatory definition rather than, "you have pain, heavy bleeding and so forth." I also encourage you to do research for yourself so you'll have all aspects and new findings of this disease which will allow you to have  a clear understanding when talking to your doctor and asking questions.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Life My Story in a few words

She lives with cancer yet she strives forward with Hope and Faith.

New Important Information

Make sure you are under the correct physician for you endometriosis because most GYN's aren't that knowledgeable when it comes to our disease. Some recent discoveries are below:
1. Endometriosis can spread to the lining of the stomach.
2. It can attack the cervix if not removed.
3. Endo can attack the intestines.
4. Rare cases have been reported of Endo in the lungs and brain.
I wanted to share these facts so, you'll understand that endometriosis can travel although, we pray not. Below I've stated a myth regarding having your cervix removed:
I was told by a family member who was recently diagnosed with Endo and found it was feeding on her cervix, she indicated she didn't want the doctor to remove it because she was told her vagina would cave in and her bladder would fall. I'm hear to tell you this is a myth, I've had all my female organs removed and the bladder/vagina is still in tact.
The main point is that you find a specialist in cancer and Endometriosis, remember Endo is a benign cancer that feeds on soft tissue.

I hope you found this helpful.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The pain we suffer and the nonsympathy we receive

Why is it that many people treat our illness as it doesn't exist or that it has no importance. Endometriosis is a real disease and causes great discomfort as well as interruption of our daily lives. We most unite and educate the world of this illness and how a cure needs to be found but, more importantly the cause in order for a correct cure to be found. I believe a nonprofit organization should be put in place for this and I may just be the one to start it. If you have views on a nonprofit organization being started for our illness please post. Thank you for your ideas and suggestions.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Open Discussion

Question: What new methods are out there to aid with the pain and discomfort of Endometriosis, are doctors getting any closer to finding out where this steams from and lastly how are we coping a disease which has no cure?
I want to hear your let's chat it up.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Updated Information.

I came across this very informative site, that I found helpful in understanding our disease somewhat better. I hope you all find it helpful as well.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Why does standing cause pain in the abdomen? Why does reaching up for long periods hurt? I have researched and researched and it all comes to this unsureal answer: find what causes your pain and limit that activity. My doctor says it happens due to the abdomen providing constant support, which it struggles since it is weak. Just a little FYI.

Friday, February 8, 2013

For women just being diagnosed

This link is a good read for those who've just found out they have endometriosis.
I hope this help with any questions that you may have.

Monday, February 4, 2013


I've found that traditional ab work increases pain and blood flow however, find a workout program that targets the entire core with standing core exercises.

I hope this helps for the women who want to maintain their physical health.

Sean T. Hip Hop Abs is a great workout program, it can be found at beach

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Can we Will It So.....?

I was sitting and thinking about what happened a couple of weeks ago when I had a pain that seem oh so known to my abdomen so, a visit to the ER was in order since it was before office hours. The ER Dr. ordered a CT scan and the results showed that the Endometriosis was growing and becoming active again.

So I say CAN WE WILL IT SO meaning can we will it not to be if our faith is strong enough....can we make the test and diagnoses become an untruth in our lives? I believe we can....if we believe enough that we don't have pain and we don't have symptoms I have a strong belief that we can WILL IT SO.

It simple sometimes comes to mind over matter.

Let's Give it a try and see how we feel.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.......